Emily passed her Pre-Preliminary Freeskate!
Coach Annalisa's hair is so crazy!
Congrats to Jeremy for passing his Preliminary Moves in the Field now called "Skating Skills". A huge thank you to Coach Rita who Jeremy immensely to pass his test. Jeremy passed with +1 on many of his patterns. Great job Jeremy!
This is a friendly reminder that Figure Skating is comprised of learning skating skills, refining and devoloping confidence of a certain skill/program, setting goals, testing, doing recitals and competitions. Tests, Recitals, and Competitions are simply a deadline to achieve a fixed goal. Skaters are not defined by their placement at competitions nor are they defined solely as a skater. At the core, skaters are children who want to have fun and establish a positive self-esteem. Skating is simply one aspect of who they are that enables them to grow their confidence as an athlete and human being. Figure skating is a journey of learning invaluable and transferable life skills such as receiving constructive criticism, time management, setting goals and achieving them by a deadline all while having fun in a safe and inclusive environment to be themselves. ❤️ (Welcome to my Ted Talk jk) 😂